In this case, however, I am supposed to look, so yay! And then I start looking for other things, putting my own twist on their style... but that's mostly all daydreaming. I tend to "shop" for things I can't afford. This, though, is cute:

And it's only $28. The brother and fiancee are doing all sorts of bright colors, especially orange in the kitchen. This has that accent of orange that really stands out against the blue, and it doesn't even need flowers! I have several vases that rarely get used, but they're clear. Clear = hard to use as empty accessories. Hmmm...
And on a(nother) side note, looking at their registry makes me miss all my stuff. I've been living with my parents since August, and I can't wait to be back in my own home with my boy and all of our things. I'm super grateful for my parents, and my mom has some stuff that I don't have, but it's hers. It also makes me remember registering and how I would revise some of that if I were to do it over again today. Did I really need to register for a pineapple corer/slicer?!